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 Calendula flowers for...

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Libbie Posted - May 24 2008 : 11:06:19 AM
...helping your backyard chickens have yellower yolks? A farmgirl friend of mine sent me a bag of calendula flowers to feed to the chickens - and it turned their normally lovely bright yellow-orangey yolks to a positively glowing orange. I love it!

XOXO, Libbie

"Farmgirl Sister #10," and proud of it!!!
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aunt Jenny Posted - Jun 08 2008 : 9:36:58 PM
That is so funny Jen!!!
Jen Posted - Jun 08 2008 : 09:31:27 AM
An 11 yr old basset hound - who'd have thought?! Hey, you gals will like this:

"Oddball Idea Protects Island Penguin Population"

A SOUTH-WEST Victorian chicken farmer known as Swampy and his dog Oddball may have found a way to save some of Australia's endangered wildlife from predators....

Anything's possible!


Farmgirl Sisterhood Member #9

The View From My Boots:
Aunt Jenny Posted - Jun 07 2008 : 11:25:48 PM
My 11 year old basset hound won't let a loose chicken alone for a I have to keep a fence between them...either her behind one or the hens inside.
I have seen Libbie's chicken tractors gals..they are awesome!
Libbie Posted - Jun 06 2008 : 7:22:13 PM
Oh, my gosh, the dogs and chickens...well, I had a wonderful golden retriever that never paid them any mind, but we were "dog-sitting" a malamute, and that was DISASTROUS for the flock - that dog lasted about, um...a week or so. I just couldn't get him to leave 'em be. Now, we have a little-ish pup that's some sort of collie/heeler mix who will chase the chickens, "mouth" them a bit and then let them go so he can chase them again. I don't trust him for an instant, however, if I'm not around the yard. I guess it's a combination of getting everyone used to each other, as well as the dogs' temperaments.

Most of my chickens are in mobile "chicken tractors," but the loose hens (two right now) who escape every coop and confinement known to farmgirls just fend for themselves in the trees at night. I worry a bit about them, but you can only help a chicken so much!!!!

XOXO, Libbie

"Farmgirl Sister #10," and proud of it!!!
Jen Posted - Jun 05 2008 : 2:13:12 PM
I know what you mean, Traci! Now that my girls (and the 2--yes 2--roosters) are grown up, they roost by themselves, and usually pretty early in the evening. I guess they've grown wise to the ways of the possums, coons, and coyotes. After they're in the coop, I lock them in. But last year they made me chase them in a nightly round-up to get them into the coop. Maddening! My older chicks (about 4 weeks old) are the same way, so I've been confining them till they (hopefully) develop some sense


Farmgirl Sisterhood Member #9

The View From My Boots:
June Bug Posted - Jun 05 2008 : 09:47:38 AM
Thanks for the info Jen, so I guess it just takes some work and dicipline to get everyone acclamated. Do you round up all the girls at night or do they just go into the coop themselves? I grew up on a farm but it's been so long and it's a different story when you are the one in charge I'm trying to just gather all the knowledge I can so that when we are in the right place for our farm, I will be ready! THANKS! Traci
Jen Posted - Jun 05 2008 : 07:55:13 AM
Small world, Libbie - I just heard that too!

And, Traci, I've got 2 dogs and 9 adult chickens that free range during the day. Last year, when we first moved here & took on the 2 resident chickens, my dogs attacked the hen 3 times - the last time almost fatally. It took a bunch of spanking & scolding & acclimating under close scrutiny, and now the dogs basically ignore the chickens. BUT, we don't let the dogs run loose while we're not paying attention, so I'm not sure what they'd do if left to their own devices.

This morning, I took Kate, the newly rescued heeler, down to the chicken house. She's very timid but also very coyote-like, so I was wary of her with the chickens. I let them out of the coop, and Kate was interested in all their noise, so I told her "No!" She cowered down and one of the smallest hens came over and stomped on her! Kate took off up the hill toward the house like a bullet!


Farmgirl Sisterhood Member #9

The View From My Boots:
June Bug Posted - May 29 2008 : 09:42:10 AM
Sorry, I spelled your name wrong!Traci
June Bug Posted - May 29 2008 : 09:40:06 AM
Libby, I was wondering if you have a dog. If so, how does it do with the chickens? Do your chickens roam free during the day? Your calendula trick sounds awesome, there's nothing better than fresh eggs. Hope you are having a lovely day. Traci

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