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 What would you bring?

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Jen Posted - May 28 2007 : 6:49:34 PM
If you knew you were going to be stranded in unfamiliar wilderness with only the clothes on your back & could choose ONE item to bring, what would it be? Compass, wild edibles guide, Swiss Army knife, water purifying tablets, GPS?
Was thinking about this while lying on a creekbank yesterday & wondered what you girls might come up with....

The View From My Boots:
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
carole293 Posted - May 27 2009 : 8:47:17 PM
This sounds really bad because it's not really just one thing, but I would bring my little survival kit that I made, it's a waterproof box which has about 30 items in it. It's only the size of a ciggarette pack but it has lots of things inside. A razor blade, a fishook w/line, duct tape wrapped around a little cut off piece of straw, a couple of nails, foil, a mirror, matches, benedryls, firestarter, a plastic bag, a couple of scriptures for motivation, wire, compass, wistle, a mini pad (for firstaide or kindle) few other things, a wet wipe single, a insect repellent single, a needle and tread. There are a few other things in there I can't remember. I worked on it about a week to make everything really small and useful. I take it with me camping and hiking etc. I doubt I will ever need it, but it was fun to make and a challenge to come up with all the little things. I wrapped the box in duct tape and a wire saw. It's on a string (a useful item in itself!) . I have seen people make these kits out of altoid tins, but I liked the idea of using the waterproof box (bought at a sporting goods store, it's for ipods or something) because you could use it for a cup. Try making your own version!
Elizaray Posted - Jun 01 2007 : 2:21:09 PM

Obsidian is a pretty cool rock. I have always been impressed with it. It certainly carries a very unique set of attributes! I bet coming across that outcropping of it was amazingly beautiful! Were you able to get any pictures?

Lily Posted - Jun 01 2007 : 09:05:02 AM
Thanks, Elizaray! I wish I knew my rocks better. I do believe it about obsidian — my daughter has a shiny black chunk of obsidian and it is so sharp, I always have to warn her to be careful, especially around her little sister. I swear if she dropped it, the rock could slice a toe.

Just an aside: once my dad took me out on a panga to a little island off Gonzaga Bay in Baja California and we were hiking across the island when we came upon a giant wall made of obsidian! It looked like black glass, reflecting the light of the sea and the sky, so smooth and warm to the touch. It was like coming across a chest of jewels on an enchanted island!!! I’ll never forget it and, since then, obsidian has always held a special place in my heart.
Elizaray Posted - May 31 2007 : 4:18:57 PM

A knife if it is pure steel could be used with a flint rock to spark a fire, or you could use it to cut materials to size to make a stick and bow style fire starter :)

Of course if you know how to flintknap- you could make your own knife, but I know it takes a while to learn and you need certain materials that aren't everywhere. You need knappable rocks, a hammer stone and usually some sort of bone or antler for re-touching. You have to re-touch a knapped blade to get the more refined edge. Also some flints do better if they are heated in a fire first and obsidian rock is hard to knap but creates an amazing blade.

Jen Posted - May 31 2007 : 1:30:47 PM
There are lots of Indian artifacts on our land....Recently, I was down in my garden wishing I'd brought a knife to cut a plastic strap around a bundle of saplings, and I happened to look down & see a sharp-edged rock (obviously chipped by human hands). It was as if a voice from the past were telling me to use the resources at hand - the "knife" sawed right through the strap! So, as I ponder the question of what item I'd want to be stranded with, I just can't say knife because I imagine I could make one if I HAD to. Still pondering....

The View From My Boots:
Lily Posted - May 30 2007 : 9:57:51 PM
Elizaray -- How do you start a fire with a knife??? I've been pondering this question of what I'd want to have for a couple days and an ignition source was definitely a number one on my list too -- fire for warmth, for cooking, to boil water (but what to contain it in????) and to signal for help. But even better if this could be accomplished with a multi-tasking knife!
Elizaray Posted - May 29 2007 : 8:32:16 PM
A very very sturdy knife. With that I could start a fire, hunt for food (Traps), fish, and make tools to help myself.

Ellen Posted - May 29 2007 : 02:50:49 AM
if its summer a guitar
winter give me matches

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