That's really interesting. As I was reading I was thinking- wouldn't it be great is all the waste water in the United States was treated like this? I wonder what happens to the sludge and such that is left behind from all the processing.
In SF they were proposing collecting all the dog poop that is thrown out to convert it to gases for use. This city also started the ban on plastic bags so we are trying. Actually drinking recycled toilet water may have to be the way of the future at one point. I truly believe the wars in the future will be about water and not oil. Converting salt water maybe an option but still there just won't be enough H2O. One of the reasons I converted my flower garden to food was I hated wasting the water on non edibles no matter how pretty they are.
a country gal trapped in a beautiful city by a fantastic garden
I agree, Thomasina. Water is such a precious resource, and I fear we haven't even begun to see the struggle to conserve and distribute it. First on the agenda: shut down Las Vegas!